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Regulations concerning the realization of the International children’s ecological forum «The Green planet 2012»
Regulations concerning the realization of the International children’s ecological forum «The Green planet 2012»
The International children’s ecological forum «The Green planet 2012» is carried out on the initiative of the Russian social children ecological movement «The Green planet». It is realized within the limits of the International program «Dialogue of cultures: from recognition to respect», that is fulfilled by the same organization. This program is supported by Russian and foreign state, social, scientific and cultural institutions and organizations. Children of school age from different countries with their works can participate in the contests of the Forum in 9 nominations.
In 2012 the forum is dated to the 40 anniversary of celebrating of the World day of preservation of the environment and spent - under the motto «Let's keep and will increase».
Aims and tasks of the forum:
– to involve children and teenagers in various kinds of the creative activity directed on:
o preservation of rare plants and animals;
o preservation and revival of natural objects;
o increase in the area of wood;
– development of international child cooperation and child diplomacy;
– upbringing at children of the different countries careful attitude to the general values of all people according to a principle of preservation of a cultural and natural variety
– formation of ecological culture and active life position towards global problems that the humanity faces.
The competitive program of the forum is carried out in two stages.
In each of competitions reflection of the motto of the Forum «Let's keep and will increase». At the same time, the main criterion of selection of works on any of competitions - conformity to the nominations described more low.
The first stage is national. It is held in participating countries. All the institutions and organizations that are interested in preservation of cultural diversity and formation of ecological culture with children and young people can be organizers of national stages.
The second stage is international. It is for all participating countries. The organizer of this stage of the forum is the all-Russian social children ecological movement «The Green planet». The official (communication) languages of the forum participants on the international stage are Russian, English.
The forum combines creative contests in the following nominations:
1. «Nature is a priceless gift, one for all» - the contest of the socially important research and design works on ecology, energy supply and careful attitude towards natural resources:
– theses of works – no more than 2 pages, A4 format with standard margins, the 12 Times New Roman type, interlinear interval 1.0;
– the name and the surname of the author (full name), the date of birth is stated on the following line after the title;
– the topicality of a problem, the social importance of surveys and author’s own contribution to the solving of the problem are estimated.
2. «Experiment in the outer space» - the contest of school projects on making physical, mechanical and ecology-biological experiments on board of the International Space Station:
– theses of works – no more than 2 pages, A4 format with standard margins, the 12 Times New Roman type, interlinear interval 1.0;
– the name and the surname of the author (full name), date of birth is stated on the following line after the title;
– the real opportunity of carrying out an experiment on board of the International Space Station, the topicality of a problem, the scientific way of exposition, the social importance of the surveys are estimated.
3. «The life of the forest and destinies of people» – a literary contest (prose, poetry, newspaper publications, essays, scripts, etc.) about the beauty and ecological problems of the native region and also about those people who devoted their lives to the conservancy:
– the creative works are presented in the A4 format with standard margins, the 12 Times New Roman type, interlinear interval 1.0;
– the name and the surname of the author (full name), date of birth is stated on the following line after the title;
– the topicality and originality of a problem presentation, creative and artistic unity of a work, the vividness of exposition are estimated.
4. «The Green planet through children’s eyes» – the contest of drawings:
– the original drawing, A3 format is sent;
– the name and the surname of the author, his/her date of birth is written on the reverse side of the drawing;
– the reflections of the ecological subject-matter, the compositional solution, the level of fulfillment, expressiveness, the originality of the idea are estimated.
5. «An eko-objective» - the contest of photo-stories about ecological socially-useful work of children's collectives
– the series from 3-5 photos of 21*30cm format and more is sent;
– the name and the surname of the author (full name), his/her date of birth is written on the reverse side;
– level of disclosing of the socially-useful importance of ecological activity of the children's organization, the compositional solution, the level of fulfillment, expressiveness, the originality of the idea are estimated.
6. «The diversity of ancient traditions» - the contest of articles made of natural material, which reflects the originality of peoples inhabiting the Earth:
– the photograph of the article of 18*34 format and more is sent;
– the name and the surname of the author (full name), his/her date of birth; the list of spent materials are written on the reverse side.
– the reflection of the competition topic, the compositional decision, the level of performance, the artistic expressiveness, the originality of usage of natural materials are estimated.
7. «The present and tradition» is a competition of clothes collections made up from ecologically clear materials, associating contemporary style and people’s traditions:
– the photo of clothes models (18х24 cm), and videotape recording of defiles (DVD, CD) should be sent;
– the name of the author(s) (fully), the date of birth, the list of used materials are pointed on the photo downside;
– the reflection of the competition topic, the model’s design, the level of performance, the ecological compatibility of the used materials are estimated.
8. «Modern technologies serve Nature» is a competition of the sites and web-pages on the Internet on the ecological and environment themes:
– the strict demand is the necessary placement of a site on the Internet during whole period of the competition, the availability of the information of the site authors, the given site should be a participator of a competition «Modern technologies serve Nature» of forum «The Green Planet 2012»;
– the description of a competition work: no more than 2 pages (format A4 with standard margins, type 12 Times New Roman, line-to-line spacing 1.0 with a necessary indication of e-mail);
– the author’s name (fully), the date of birth are printed on the line followed by the title;
– the reflection of the ecological themes, the originality of the working out, the level of information technology knowledge are estimated.
9. «Nature. Culture. Ecology» is a competition of folklore and theatre groups:
– the playbill or program, the photos (18х24 cm) of the performances and the performance videotape recordings (DVD, CD) should be sent;
– in the playbill or the program the following should be pointed out: the name of the staging (play, performance, item, etc.), the list of characters and performers (names are pointed out fully) with the reference to their age; and the names of script writer, producer, stage manager, artistic director;
– the reflection of the competition topic, the urgency of the given problem, the creative and artistic integrity, the performance level are estimated.
Only the creative works that answer the following demands can be admitted on the final international phase:
– competition works are not plagiarism, a copy or a part of other author’s works;
– every competitive must meet the above mentioned requirements;
– every competitive work must have an application (see Supplement) with filled cells of the tables;
– all competitive works and documents must be sent by organizers of the national stage in one official envelope ( or in several envelopes sent simultaneously) to the international organizer’s address no later than May, 31 2012 with the note «The Green planet» to the address: 119049, Россия, Москва, ул. Большая Якиманка, д.38А.
Received competitive works are not returnable.
Proceeding from the international forum:
– all competitors and winners are awarded with certificates and diplomas;
– the information book which will be received by organizers of national stages, and also embassies of foreign countries in Russia will be published
– the winners’ works can be published in the printed materials of «The Green planet» movement and put on its web site with pointing out the authors (Russian social children ecological movement «The Green planet» is not responsible for plagiarism and mistakes in spelling of authors’ names, which were made not by organizer’s fault).
The presentation program of the Forum will pass in Moscow in the beginning of November, 2012 with participation of organizers of national stages of the Competitive program of the Forum which are invited on a competitive basis according to requirements of Program committee.
Within the limits of the Presentation program of the Forum will pass:
– presentations of delegations-participants;
– writing of offers on behalf of young ecologists for the world community;
– creative meetings with leading politicians, scientists and cultures;
– excursions to the industrial enterprises, in the scientific and cultural centers.
Electronic version of the Regulations concerning the realization of the International children’s ecological forum «The Green planet 2012» can be found on the web site www.greenplaneta.ru under the button «Документы».
The contacts of the International Children’s Ecological Forum «The Green planet 2012» Organization Committee:
Tel. /fax: + 7 495 737 5430
E-mail: zelplaneta@mail.ru
Postal address: 119049, Россия, Москва, ул. Большая Якиманка, д. 38А.
- - - - -
The application for the participation in the International children’s ecological forum «The Green planet 2012»
The name of the participating country -
The name of the organization-organizer of the national stage -
The address with the ZIP code -
The telephone number with the code of the country and the city -
The fax with the code of the country and the city -
E-mail -
The full name of the organization committee president of the International child ecological forum «The Green planet 2012» -
The total amount of the participating children in the national stage -
The name of the contest
The number of the works sent to the national stage
The number of the works of the national stage winners
The number of the works sent to the international stage
«Nature is a priceless gift, one for all» (no more than three works-winners)
«Experiment in the outer space» (no more than three works-winners)
«The life of the forest and destinies of people» (no more than three works-winners)
«The Green planet through children’s eyes» (no more than three works-winners)
«An eko-objective» (no more than three works-winners)
«The diversity of ancient traditions» (no more than three works-winners)
«The present and tradition» (no more than three works-winners)
«Modern technologies serve Nature» (no more than three works-winners)
«Nature. Culture. Ecology» (no more than three works-winners)
The national organization committee president (name of the сoutry): (signature)
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